I know that we can make transparent, accountable, and well-functioning government a reality in Pennsylvania. I will fight for a more democratic system by increasing accessibility to voting through changes to registration and election processes.
Fair Representation and an End to Gerrymandering
It’s time to put an end to gerrymandering so that all Pennsylvanians have fair, geography-based representation. I’m committed to ensuring that communities can vote together and be governed by a common legislator, rather than being split up to advance partisan political needs. People deserve to choose their politicians, not the other way around. I support creating an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission like done in other states to make citizens – not career politicians or special interests – responsible for drawing our district lines.
Campaign Finance Reform
I believe we need greater campaign finance reforms in Pennsylvania to increase transparency and accountability from our elected officials. We must put into place common-sense limitations on donations to ensure legislators represent their constituents and communities — not special interests, and we need greater transparency for political spending by dark money groups and PACS, requiring them to disclose their donors so voters know who is really behind the ads they’re seeing.
Voting Rights
Increasing citizen engagement in the political process reduces corruption and increases government efficiency. I will work toward policies that make voting more accessible for all Pennsylvanians, including automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, and greater ease of vote-by-mail and increased access to early voting locations.
I will work toward policies that make voting more accessible for all people in PA. Policies like automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, and increasing access to early voting locations to ease vote-by-mail process are a few examples of things I’ll pursue as state rep. These initiatives will not only increase citizen engagement in the political process, but it will help reduce corruption and increase government efficiency.