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I owned a small business, and I know how important it is to support our local economy. While we continue to rebuild from this pandemic and its economic crisis, we need to do so in a way that will put job creation and the interests of our local businesses first, especially as we navigate the effects of higher prices and supply chain issues. I will work for increased investment in our communities and services for small businesses, which will help Pennsylvania families and create long-term economic growth. 


Main Street vs. Wall Street

Harrisburg has too often prioritized the needs of large corporations with out-of-state headquarters over the small, locally-owned businesses that enrich our communities. We must provide greater resources to small businesses to allow them to compete and ensure that large corporations contribute adequately to the society they benefit from.


Living Wage and Paid Sick Leave

As our economy rebuilds, we need to ensure that all the jobs created pay a living wage. Our minimum wage has not kept up with the cost of living and the demands of the 21st century economy. Too many Pennsylvanians, even those with full-time employment, are not able to support their families. I will fight for a statewide minimum-wage increase that will keep up with the increased costs our families face. It’s essential that we protect and expand paid sick leave to keep Pennsylvanians healthy and economically secure - taking a sick day to care for yourself or a child should not affect your ability to pay your bills.


Equitable Taxes and a Balanced Budget 

It’s crucial that we work toward a balanced budget while investing in our communities, which will help create sustainable revenue. Year after year, our state government has recklessly slashed funding to community services and education while using our tax dollars to prop up large industries. As a business owner, I’m appalled by the fiscal irresponsibility and lack of support for local governments. I will fight for a more equitable tax system in which everyone pays their fair share including large corporations. I’m committed to closing tax loopholes for corporations and the wealthy, while making taxes more affordable for our working- and middle-class families. In addition, Harrisburg must do its part to pass budgets on time, which is why I support common-sense policies like “No budget, no pay” - if legislators don’t pass state budgets on time then their legislative pay will be withheld.


Property Taxes

As a long time homeowner in the district, I understand the burden property taxes place on our community. I’m also a public school parent, and I believe all children should have access to well-resourced schools that will help them achieve their goals. I support shifting funding for education away from property taxes, which hurt our seniors and result in inequitable funding of our schools. 


Too many of our politicians have made empty promises, especially on the issue of property taxes. Under the current leadership, Harrisburg is able to decide what happens in our schools while cutting funding for education, leaving the rest of us  to make up the difference through unaffordable property taxes. As a member of the Owen J. Roberts School Board, I have taken actions and made proposals to save taxpayer dollars while keeping investment in our schools — and this needs to happen at the state level as well.



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